Bio Metal Cleaner Manufacturer, Exporter, Distributor and Supplier in Paradip India

Paradip Chemical industry Based in paradip India. paradip chemical are a leading Bio Metal Cleaner Manufacturer, Exporter, Distributor and Supplier in paradip India . We are supplied into various industrial markets including Household , Institutional Cleaning, Personal Care and Industrial sectors including Oil Field, Agriculture, Lubricants, Metal Working chemical industry and Coatings markets.

Bio Metal Cleaner expels intensely consumed metal from steel, iron, cadmium plate, copper, lead and bronze. Bio Metal Clean is an exceptional mix of solvents, cleansers and hindering acids intended to clean and expel oxides from metal surfaces without unreasonable drawing.


Phosphate free

Too Concentrated

Completely biodegradable




We try our best to supply every chemical you may wish to buy. However, if there is something you can’t find, feel free to contact us and we will find just what you are looking for and offer you a competitive price. For more information or to request a particular product, call customer services or Given website Email address.

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