leading Potassium ethyl xanthate Manufacturer, Exporter, Distributor and Supplier in Paradip India .

Paradip Chemical industry Based in Paradip India. Chennai chemical are a leading Potassium ethyl xanthate Manufacturer, Exporter, Distributor and Supplier in Paradip India . We are supplied into various industrial markets including Household , Institutional Cleaning, Personal Care and Industrial sectors including Oil Field, Agriculture, Lubricants, Metal Working chemical industry and Coatings markets.

Potassium ethyl xanthate is a pale yellow powder that is used in the mining industry for the separation of ores. Unlike the related sodium ethyl xanthate, the potassium salt exists as an anhydrous salt.


Potassium ethyl xanthate is used in the mining industry as flotation agent for extraction of the ores of copper, nickel, and silver. The method exploits the affinity of these “soft” metals for the organosulfur ligand.

Potassium xanthate is a useful reagent for preparing xanthate esters from alkyl and aryl halides. The resulting xanthate estes are useful intermediates in organic synthesis.

We try our best to supply every chemical you may wish to buy. However, if there is something you can’t find, feel free to contact us and we will find just what you are looking for and offer you a competitive price. For more information or to request a particular product, call customer services or Given website Email address.

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