Leading Ammonium ferric citrate Manufacturer, Exporter, Distributor and Supplier in Paradip India

Paradip Chemical industry Based in Paradip India. Paradip chemical are a leading Ammonium ferric citrate Manufacturer, Exporter, Distributor and Supplier in Paradip India . We are supplied into various industrial markets including Household , Institutional Cleaning, Personal Care and Industrial sectors including Oil Field, Agriculture, Lubricants, Metal Working chemical industry and Coatings markets.

Ammonium ferric citrate distinguishing feature of this compound is that it is very soluble in water, in contrast to ferric citrate which is not very soluble.

In its crystal structure each citric acid moiety has lost four protons, and the deprotonated hydroxyl groups act as ligands together with four carboxylate groups; two carboxylate groups are not coordinated to the ferric ion.

Ammonium ferric citrate has a range of uses, including:

As a food additive, where it has the E number E381, and is used as an acidity regulator. Most notably used in the Scottish beverage Irn-Bru.

Water purification.

As a reducing agent of metal salts of low activity like gold and silver.

With potassium ferricyanide as part of the cyanotype photographic process.

Used in Kligler iron deeps to determine hydrogen sulfide production in microbial metabolism.
In medical imaging, ammonium ferric citrate is used as a contrast medium.

As a hematinic.

We try our best to supply every chemical you may wish to buy. However, if there is something you can’t find, feel free to contact us and we will find just what you are looking for and offer you a competitive price. For more information or to request a particular product, call customer services or Given website Email address.

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